It is the mission of St. David of Wales Catholic School to consistently provide a safe environment for academic and spiritual growth. Our school fosters the teachings of Jesus Christ in our students by promoting Catholic values. We prioritize moral and social responsibility and academic achievement. We cultivate global citizens in a culturally diverse community by promoting respect for all of God’s creations.

Goals & Objectives



A religious atmosphere is fostered which provides school experiences that form a whole Christian person by focusing on message, worship, community, and service.

The school strives to:

  • Impart the Christian message as taught through scripture, the life of Christ, and the teaching of the Church.

  • Inspire a personal relationship with the person of Jesus Christ through prayer Community by developing respect in the students for one another. and liturgical experiences.

  • Foster Christian Community by developing respect in the students for one another.

  • Recognize the value and contributions of other religious denominations within the student population.

  • Promote activities which focus on the Christian message by service to others.

The curriculum is designed to provide the students with a well-rounded education in the basic subjects. The academic program integrates the secular subjects with religion.

The school strives to:

  • Teach all subjects as outlined in the curriculum guidelines.

  • Educate every child according to needs and abilities.

  • Teach the curriculum from a Christian perspective.

  • Develop critical thinking skills throughout curriculum areas.



The aim of our socialization program is to promote a strong sense of self-esteem and to provide students with the opportunity to work inter-dependently and become responsible members of social units.

The school strives to:

  • Promote and develop an awareness of the contributions of the varied ethnic groups within the student population.

  • Develop respect for others, responsibility for actions, and conflict resolution skills

  • Encourage positive social actions

Training the students to be competent in physical skills, knowledgeable of personal health, and motivated by a sense of good sportsmanship is the aim of the physical education program.

The school strives to:

  • Help increase physical skills.

  • Develop sound practices of personal health as well as team spirit

  • Teach rules and regulations for organized play